Thursday, December 6, 2012

BrisStyle indie Twilight {Christmas} Market

Brisbane’s HOTtest destination for everything Handmade under the stars

The BrisStyle indie Twilight Markets in the heart of Brisbane’s King George Square offers a unique home-grown experience like no other event of it’s kind in Australia. Combining the laid-back attitude of south-east Queensland with the buzz of Brisbane’s CBD, this special Friday night event will create a festive lantern lit celebration of local independent art, craft and design around the Lord Mayors statuesque Christmas Tree and Pantomime stage. 
Along with over 100 local artisans specialising in soulful, stylish handmade wares, a host of Christmas parade performers will sprinkle their magic throughout the square. 
Make your way up to the scenic deck above the square for more of the same… and the best view in Brisbane of all the festivities! With a café, restaurant and bar below, you can kick back to the sounds of Brisbane’s best jazz musicians, providing the perfect festive soundtrack to a Christmas shopping night like you’ve never experienced! 
So support the local community this Christmas by shopping ethically for gifts with a unique Queensland twist at Brisbane’s HOTtest destination for everything handmade under the stars.

WHEN Friday 14 December 
VENUE King George Square, Brisbane City 
TIME 5 - 9pm 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

BrisStyle indie Designer {Christmas} Market

Brisbane’s HOTtest destination for 

everything Handmade this Christmas

Tie on your tinsel and get ready for a Christmas shopping 
experience like no other, as the BrisStyle indie Designer Markets 
return to the heart of Hamilton for yet another beautifully 
eclectic handmade event.
Featuring local emerging and established artists, crafters and 
designers from Queensland's South East who specialise in 
producing quality handmade goods including handbags, sweet 
art, jewellery, children's wear and vintage re-creations.
Think quality, gorgeous, soulful and original creations that 
give lovers of locally handmade wares the chance to 
support their local community.
Set in the sweet retro hall and gorgeous leafy grounds of 
St Augustine's Church on Racecourse Road, Hamilton on 
Saturday December 8, this boutique event promises to 
provide the perfect environment for all your handmade 
Christmas shopping needs.
The Christmas BrisStyle indie Designers Market gives 
you the chance to see first-hand why these Markets are 
renowned for being Brisbane’s HOTtest destination for handmade.
WHEN Saturday December 8, 2012
VENUE St Augustine's Church Hall/grounds,
 Racecourse Rd, Hamilton
TIME 9am- 4pm.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Welcome to my drawing board

There's nothing like a custom order to get the creative juices flowing. One of my lovely TRIP fellows has asked for a replacement for her 20 y.o. Country Road bag (hey, I had one of those, too - which I tried to discard, which was subsequently snaffled by my mother for another 10 years ... only to be replaced by a, you guessed it, shelleyberelli tote!!)

She's asked for a personalised shelleyberelli holdall handbag.

I've got the fabric stash out and I've been playing with combinations and permutations of different materials to send to her to see what she'd like. Here are tonight's discoveries. I think I will get cracking this week end on these designs, anyway! I've got a BiDM and BiTM coming up in December.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Three sleeps until the BiTM

This Friday night Brisbane King George Square will be buzzing with BrisStylers for the much anticipated BrisStyle indie Twilight Markets

Pop along from 5-9pm for some handmade goodness.

shelleyberelli will be otherwise occupied that night, but I'm been sewing like crazy for the next markets I'll be attending, the December BiTM. This is an assortment of what I'll be bringing along - my new smartphone sleeves avec go-card pocket. Tidy!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The BiTM count down is starting...

What are you doing on the 26th October? Why don't you head on into the city for a touch of BrisStyle goodness? From 5-9pm a bunch of BrisStylettes will be presenting their wares for your shopping pleasure.

"Brisbane's HOTtest destination for

everything Handmade under the stars"

26th October 2012 :: 5pm - 9pm

Friday, October 12, 2012


What's the collective noun for a group of iPhone sleeves? aPod? (LOL)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

One down, fifteen to go.

Welcome to my first iphone::go-card sleeve. 

I've got a few more cut out and the Bernina is in overdrive. More photos soon.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Clivias and pockets

My patience and neglect was well worth the ten year wait. 
This clivia is the only healthy thing in my dry, dry garden at the moment.

Something else that has been neglected of late has been my sewing - but that's all a-changing.

Here's some organised chaos as I create new iphone::go-card pockets. I shall post progress shots once I fire up the Bernina.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunny Sundays

I'm really enjoying these September week ends. The days are getting longer and the weather is more enjoyable for picnics in the park. My thoughts are also turning to my garden. I am looking forward to planting some new flowers and setting some of my pot-bounds 'free'. 

I love this time of the year when the plants surprise me with their flowers. One day they're just a regular-joe plant, the next the brighten up my balcony with their beautiful flowers. 

I came upon my surprise of the month when I was pushing my garden back onto, well, the garden, after the bush turkeys had spread it everywhere else ... my Clivia looks like it might treat me to a burst of orange this year. It's been there in the corner of my garden, hiding amongst the showy hippeastrums, ne'er a bloom to be seen. Whether it's the previous good rains or the latest dry spell, or maybe the planets have suitably aligned? It's not mine to question why. Maybe my run of neglect has paid off again?

To finish off the week end, we had a baby-shower-high-tea + frisbees + badminton. Best games *I've* ever played at a baby shower, hands down!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The winner was Syd-den-ney

I had a recent trip to Sydney to spend time with 2,300 of my closest dietitian friends. One of my most favourite parts of the conference, aside from attending lectures by clever people with whom I became familiar from looking at their names on the spines of our text books, was a plenary session on the final day by a Japanese presenter. We learnt about Shokuiku, the law where every school must have a dietitian (yay!) - not to cook the food (!), but to advise on nutritious school menus and incorporate nutrition education in to the children's days. Sorry for the poor quality of these photos, but they were snapped in the talk ... 

In this school (?all/?most) schools, the food comes from local, named families. 

These kids got a kick out eating their own handiwork. 

And local famers regularly spoke with kids to provide context and the background process to their school meal production. Do you know where *your* lunch leeks come from?

After the conference I spent a few days pottering around Sydney. I made tracks to the State Library of NSW. My beeline was to see the wonderful Patrick White exhibition. It contained some of his (believed to be burned) papers, plenty of photographs, early edited manuscripts, and even some of his old recipes.... You've got until the 28th October to see it. Do yourself a favour! 

Patrick and his cat, Tom Jones.

We also popped in to Aria for a spot of tea one night.

And took the ferry across to Milson's Point for another quick snack.

To fill in time before going out to the airport I explored the new wing of the Museum of Contemporary Art. I apologise in advance that I didn't take down any of the artists names, but if you like the look of any of these pieces, I'd recommend a trip to Circular Quay to check it out.

MCA entrance

Having bad cakes and coffee on the 4th floor cafe I was reminded how beautiful Sydney was (even with 'the Toaster' featuring so prominently).

Monday, August 20, 2012

Featuring BrisStylers :: Necklaces

Not long until the BrisStyle indie Twilight Markets, "Brisbane's HOTtest destination for everything Handmade under the stars"  

24th August 2012 :: 5-9pm
King George Square

In anticipation of the markets, here are some BrisStyler's who'll be featuring their wares in the square (and/or in their etsy stores).

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Featuring BrisStylers :: Purses

Not long until the BrisStyle indie Twilight Markets, "Brisbane's HOTtest destination for everything Handmade under the stars"  

24th August 2012 :: 5-9pm
King George Square

In anticipation of the markets, here are some BrisStyler's who'll be featuring their wares in the square (and/or in their etsy stores).

Friday, August 17, 2012

Let's go shopping ... 6 sleeps to go.

Happy Saturday, folks. The westerlies are still in Brisbane and, to the surprise, (shock and awe!) of many people I tell, this weather pattern (sunny and windy) makes it into my top 3 meteorological events. I'm not sure what is stranger to them - the preference or the fact I have a top 3?

There's only 6 sleeps to go until the BrisStyle indie Twilight Markets. It's "Brisbane's HOTtest destination for everything Handmade under the stars"  

24th August 2012 :: 5-9pm
King George Square

In anticipation of the markets, here are some BrisStylers who'll be featuring their wares in the square (and/or in their etsy stores).

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