Saturday, January 12, 2013

The treasure trove of 2013

This year I plan to read. A lot. This will be aided and abetted by a veritable goldmine of books that recently made its way into my clutches (sadly, from my mum's cousin, who was a librarian). 

It's so hard to know where to start - there's no chance to start my selection judging a book by its cover. As you can see, they are mostly Penguins - and I do like an orange and white combo. I tend to baulk at some of the authors (Satre, de Beauviour, Hemingway ... who wouldn't?!).

 ... but taking the dive I am reminded of the simplicity of Mme de Beauviour's writing, the alacrity of her travels, and depth and poignancy of her insights in post-war France, and the human condition.

When I wasn't in my iron lung over the Christmas break, I spent a lot of time tidying and filing, sorting and discarding from and within my life. (Maybe the existential literary excursion chose *me*?). Dad scored an old bookshelf for his cottage industry chutneys and relishes, the Salvos scored an old desk, I sold old computer stuff on ebay, and I must have filled a recycling bin with old papers. I treated myself to an expedit and malm to jazz up my study and, of course, to house my new library for 2013.

Bella also scored a new adventure.

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