Sunday, August 29, 2010
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Note to self...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Quiet reflection.
Not much to say today. Busy week end, followed by busy start to the week.
What better way to unwind than with some Made-it Roulette?

Alainn's large rutilated quartz ring
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Money makes the world go 'round...
Well, actually, it's the motion of the earth vs the pull of gravity towards the sun (Fig.1 ) but, being National Science Week, I'm sure there are many more blogs suited to discussing this topic and other clever-boffin type ideas....even a winning blog here (Save your breath for running ponies).

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Custom order. Tick.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Mood enhancing Made-it Roulette
Hello, and welcome to today's made-it roulette.
I'm in a more positive mood this post.Today in my lecture we were looking at physical health issues of clients/consumers with mental health issues. Now, this isn't a psychology or a medical lecture and many students often find it hard to think laterally about this topic as it's not usually seen as a 'core' area of our work. However, with the stats that one in five people in Australia may experience depression in their lifetime and one in four may experience anxiety, it's something that everyone should know about.
In today's lecture I included some short videos from the SANE video showroom and I was amazed, as the students sat, engrossed and interested in the lived experiences of people in the clips. Interesting and respectful discussion ensued and gave me hope that this next cohort of young professionals would enter the workforce with a more holistic view of the patients they will encounter and the world in which they live.
Now, on to my Roulette finds! ("How do you play?" I hear you ask ... keep hitting that ‘made-it’ banner and see what treats come up).

Japanese Creation (Purple square)

Liola (Fabric Basket Set)

Found N Bound Unique Journal Covers

and, my latest made-it posting (floral print headband)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Monday's made-it roulette
atomic lawrence & me (poppy the rabbit softie)
soothing blues and greens from lee & allan design (seafoam lampshade)

marelle (love bird note cards)
And an afternoon always improves with a giggle. Thanks to my friend Kim for reminding me of this. Hope you enjoy it too.
Armstrong & Miller (WWII RAF sketch)